Elok jer start puasa bdk dua beradik nie terkena lak chicken pox…..Org dengar mesti pelik kan sebab sorang kat KL, sorang lg kat Kedah tp kena pd hari yg sama….
17hb July lepas masa adik aku bertunang, mak sedara aku dtg tumpang umah aku 3 hari, anak dia (cousin aku la) demam campak yg besar2 punya…masa tu aku terdetik gak, ish, if jangkit kat anak2 aku cane, jenuh la nak jaga, da la diorg jenis susah mkn ubat…nak kena tipu dlm susu or ribena, tu pon kalau diorg ada selera nak minum susu or ribena…pening da masa tu…tp disebabkan mak cik aku org kuat yg menolong aku buat hantaran masa tu aku redha je lah, if bukan sbb nak pegi meminang pon, kena redha juga sbb tetamu kan…mesti dilayan dgn baik…so, masa diorg dtg tu, campak tgh kuar dgn byknya…sampai aku naik takut tgk muka dia…nasib la boy, kalau girl, jatuh sket saham sbb berparut muka…da pegi Klinik Kita kat Wangsamaju, kena RM80, MC 5 hari, bukan bole baik masa tu jugak kan…jadinya 3 hari tu memang anak2 aku bercampur la dgn cousin aku nie, sbb even demam, dia aktif mcm tak demam…aku redhalah…
Lepas sume tetamu da pulang, aku pon menghantar dobi sume comforter (3pcs) yg digunakan oleh diorg & mencuci sume sarung bantal & cadar sebab cousin aku tu merata duduknya….kalau sofa leh antar dobi pon aku akan hantar dobi jugak, so, mengelap je lah…mop suma lantai kira mencuci 1 rumah mcm nak raya…..& tgk bdk2 ok…aku adalah LEGA…
2 hari selepas diorg blah, parents aku plak bawak Ayyan balik kg…sampai di kg mak update aku Ayyan adalah sihat, tak demam or ape…so, sekali lagi aku adalah LEGA….
Sempat posing sblm balik kg...
Da siap sedia nak blik kg...
Lambat menunggu...tgk KLCC dulu...
Tetiba je, start puasa ritu ade bintik2 kt belakang Ayish (lbh krg 2 minggu slpas diorg balik), bergelembung dan pecah kuar air…tp dia tak demam…aku da syak mcm nak kena chicken pox, aku call mak aku tanya Ayyan mcm mana, mak ckp ade 2-3 biji kat peha dia…aduhai, sama mcm twin la plak…2nd day aku tgk makin btambah bintik tu & bdn ade panas sket, aku check dgn thermometer suhu dlm 37.2º, hampir demam (demam = 37.5º), so, aku start bg ubat demam tp kuantiti aku kurangkan sikit dr sepatutnya…
Nie digital thermometer (copy paste dr Google) sama ngan yg aku guna utk check suhu bdk (memang sentiasa standby kat umah)
So, 3rd day bila aku tgk bintik makin byk + demam, aku bawa Ayish g klinik yg sama iaitu Klinik Kita, Wangsamaju (suma anak-beranak g klinik nie sebab klinik panel husband aku…hehehe, so, adalah FREE + dekat dgn umah) & doctor sahkan Chicken Pox jenis besar & berjangkit…tak perlu antibiotic sebab ia adalah virus – means virus tu betul2 aktif dlm masa 2 minggu). Aku trus call mak lagi & mak ckp Ayyan demam & da bwa g klinik doctor ckp Chicken Pox juga….huhuhu…nak raya….abis la berparut……Drp apa yg doctor btau tentang virus dan jangkitan tu, tak payahlah pelik2 sorang kat kedah, sorang kat kl, cane leh kena serentak kan…
Paling kesian bila Ayish ngadu sakit non*, mak ckp Ayyan pon sama….mlm2 plak Ayish takleh tido, asik kejutkan aku & ubah2 tpt tido, kejap tido ngan aku, kejap tido sblah Daddy dia…lotion sapu yg doctor bg sempat letak sekali dua je time dia tido sbb dia tak bg sapu kat bdn dia…
Da seminggu baru aku dpt daun mambu cousin hubby aku bg…so, mandikan la bdk tu….lepas mandi, bdn dia trus tukar color bertompok2 merah, aku da naik takut dah…tp aku tgk dia tido dgn selesa mlm tu takde garu2 kulit dia, so, legalah sket. Kat kg Ayyan mak bg mandi dgn daun bayam duri sebab byk tumbuh keliling umah…yg tu pon boleh. Aku tak bg bdk2 minum air kelapa sebab aku tgk cousin aku lepas minum air kelapa lg byk tumbuh bintik sampai penuh muka, tp cepat abis la bintik tu kuar. Aku tak bg bukan apa, aku takut anak2 aku tak tahan…so, aku siap pesan kat mak doctor ckp biar dia kuar sniri campak tu, if bg air kelapa takut bdk x tahan….pd hal, itu andaian aku sniri…hehehe…pastu aku dengar plak org ckp if tak bg air kelapa takut bintik tak kuar abis nanti akan jd lg sekali or dua kali…takpe lah, itu lain citer, yg penting aku tak tahan tgk diorg menahan sakit sekarang sbb terlalu kecik lg…3 tahun & 2 tahun…
So, da stop ubat demam, aku continue la vitamin kulit dlm susu dia, mak ckp Ayyan pon sama…mlm2 dia da tido aku sapulah vitamin E (jenis soft gel) kat muka dia (area dagu & dahi paling byk parut)…harap2 parut tu ilang la kan nanti…sedihnya aku tak dpt sapu kat Ayyan vitamin E tu sebab dia kat kg kan, takpe la…raya nanti Mummy sapu kat Ayyan plak…Vitamin E tu aku rasa bagus dan bole membantu sbb masa tgn aku kna air panas dulu, lepas kulit da terkoyak aku sapu Vitamin E sampai sekarang parut takde, so, harap muka & bdn anak2 aku akan pulih spt asalnya….tp jenuh la nak menyapu, hujung kepala smp hujung kaki, mau berbotol2 aku beli vitamin tu….tak pe la…demi permata hati tercinta, Mummy sanggup buat apa saja….
Nie pic tgn aku terkena air panas tahun 2006. Ngeri kan...lepas sapu Vitamin E dua2 tgn nampak sama balik... (kwn aku Si Choco langsung tak percaya nie tgn aku...hehehe...tgn aku lah nie...tak caye call hubby aku...dia yg bwa aku g klinik K.J. Lim kat belakang Prima Setapak nun...)
Okeyy, nie pic Ayish dr 3rd day kena chicken pox..
Depan klinik...siap buat peace bagai...
Sementara menunggu giliran, tak abis2 jadi super hero (terlalu fanatik dgn movie Ultraman & Power Rangers)
Nie masa bintik tu kuar dgn byknya....sian anak Mummy...Ayyan kat kg tak tahu cane....mak ckp sama jugak....
Bintik2 da kering....
Nie article pasal chicken pox aku copy paste terus 1 article dr webhealthcentre.com. Sape yg nak tahu lebih mendalam pasal chicken pox, silalah baca….
Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox is an ubiquitous and extremely contagious viral illness. The primary illness, characterised by a generalised skin rash, is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Recurrence of the infection results in a localised skin rash, otherwise known as shingles or Herpes Zoster. Chicken Pox, often confused with Small Pox in earlier times, occurs seasonally and in epidemics the world over. Humans are the only known reservoir. The virus is spread by the respiratory route and is a common infection in children.
Cause and Pathogenesis
Varicella Zoster virus is an enveloped virus of the herpes family. Chicken Pox occurs in susceptible individuals who are exposed to the virus after intimate contact. After entry through the respiratory route, the virus replicates, reaches the lymphatic system and then the blood stream. Roughly two weeks after the virus entry, a diffuse vesicular skin rash is seen. It is believed that the virus lodges in the sensory nerves after the rash clears only to reactivate at a later date, several years later, to cause herpes zoster.
Symptoms and Signs
Chicken Pox presents with a low-grade fever and malaise, followed by a diffuse skin rash. This is associated with itching, loss of appetite and listlessness. The blisters are initially small and discrete with clear fluid, but gradually become cloudy and scab over. The rash is often referred to as "dew drop" during the early stages. The rash starts on the trunk and rapidly spreads to involve other areas of the body over 2 to 4 days. The crusts formed completely fall off in 1 to 2 weeks. Children with impaired immunity (decreased resistance) have numerous lesions that often bleed. Secondary bacterial infections can occur.
Chicken Pox can also cause encephalitis (brain fever) and cerebellar symptoms. A serious and life threatening complication is Chicken Pox Pneumonia, especially in adults and immunocompromised individuals. Chicken Pox affecting pregnant women just before delivery can cause fetal death. If the infection occurs earlier in pregnancy, the baby may be born malformed.
Investigations and Diagnosis
History and physical examination usually aid the diagnosis of Chicken Pox. The characteristic skin rash with itching and low grade fever help to make the diagnosis.
Small Pox, earlier confused with chicken pox, has now been eradicated. Sometimes other viral infections or impetigo may resemble chicken pox. Herpes Zoster or Shingles is suspected if a localised rash is seen on one half of the body.
Confirmation of the diagnosis is possible by examining the direct scraping of the skin lesion under a microscope, viral cultures or a rising antibody level in convalescing blood samples.
Treatment and Prognosis
The medical management of Chicken Pox and Shingles in a healthy host is directed towards reduction of the risks of complications, as the disease is essentially self-limited. Hygiene is very important, including bathing, astringent soaks and closely cropped fingernails to avoid secondary bacterial infections. Paracetamol should be used to reduce fever. Acyclovir is the drug of choice for both Chicken Pox and Herpes Zoster. The therapy should be started within 24 hours of the onset of the rash.
In children 2 to 16 years of age, the oral dosage is 20 mg/kg, 4 times a day for 5 days (maximum of 800 mg 4 times a day). Adolescents and adults can receive up to 800 mg 5 times a day. For Chicken Pox Pneumonia, intravenous Acyclovir or Vidarabine is of value, though excellent supportive nursing care is mandatory. In children, Chicken Pox has a very good prognosis.
Since Chicken Pox has a high secondary attack rate, people susceptible to Chicken Pox should avoid coming into contact with patients suffering from the infection. Prophylaxis for children is of little relevance as Chicken Pox is usually a benign disease.
However, vaccination is available for the prevention of Chicken Pox and is generally recommended between 10 - 12 years of age for children who have not had Chicken Pox before. This is also advised for immunocompromised patients who have not been previously exposed to Chicken Pox. Varicella Zoster Immuno Globulin (VZIG) and Varicella Zoster Immune Plasma (VZIP) are useful in preventing or ameliorating symptomatic Chicken Pox in high-risk individuals